Schmetterlingserbsenblume – ein Tee, der kalt oder heiß serviert wird

I have come to know about butterfly pea flower (common in Southeast Asian countries) first time in Thailand in 2017 in Chiang Mai. I saw it there first in some restaurants and coffee shops and later I recognized it also growing in some smaller side-streets. Back then I also bought the flower petals at a …

Schmetterlingserbsenblume – ein Tee, der kalt oder heiß serviert wird Weiterlesen »

Die Katzen Asiens

Are you having a bad day? Do you need some consolation? Or do you simply love cats? We got you. Here are all the pictures of cats we took on our trip. It will be updated frequently, so taking a look is always worth your time 😉 Chiang Mai, Thailand Luoyang, China Shaolinsi, China Dengfeng, …

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